Monday, September 5, 2011

Carter Visit

My sister and her family moved from New York to Idaho this summer. I was so grateful that they drove through Kansas City on their trip. They only stayed two nights but it was fun to see Daniel and Anna and play some games of Settlers in the evenings. Anna gave me a smile when they first arrived.

Daniel and I went to a park and wading pool on Monday while Katrina and Neal did their laundry.

Later in the day we went to the Indepedence Visitor Center and drove past the Kansas City Temple which is under construction.

We loved that Daniel slept on his knees with his rear in the air.

Good luck in Rexburg. Hopefully we can see you again soon.


Kelsey said...

Melody, you have such a glow when you're with your nieces and nephews! Looks like a great visit! I wonder if we'll ever get a chance to visit Kansas City before y'all leave... I hope so!

Tannie Datwyler said...

Your sister moved to Rexburg??? You know my husband just got a job at BYU-I, right? We live in Rigby right now though.

Katrina said...

I love the pictures you shared. You got a GREAT one of Anna smiling--her second ever on film (or pixals or whatever). Thanks!