On Friday we went to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. They had Harry S. Truman’s coin collection, random bits of information, we saw Huey, Dewey, and Louie (unmanned, yellow, robotic trucks) moving the money from room to room since they don’t want people to move the money. On the way out they gave us $165 in shredded US currency. It wasn’t the most exciting museum but it was free and a place to go that wasn’t full of holiday shoppers.
Improving leaps and bounds from our tree last year, we also set up the Christmas tree that we bought after Christmas last year. Since we bought it in an after-Christmas sale, it has just been sitting in our storage for nearly a year building suspense, and this was the first time we saw it out of the box. It is a 6.5 foot pre-lit tree. We have silver tinsel and silver and blue ornaments.
On Saturday we had beautiful weather so we ate a picnic lunch and walked around our favorite park. The weather was so nice that we were comfortable in short sleeve tee-shirts. That won't last long, no doubt. We also spent our free time reading The Giver by Lois Lowry to each other. Neither of us had read the book in school so it was an interesting short read for our vacation time.
Also, on November 16th we went to AMF bowling lanes with Alec, Amber, and Ethan. We bowled for 2 hours and had a lot of fun. My legs were sore for days. We didn't get our best bowling scores ever, but we were sure happy to get out of the house for a bit.